In pre-Islamic days Roman and Persian money was in current in al-Hajaz,together with a few Himyarite silver coins bearing the Attic owl.The same was accepted at the advent of Islam and up-to the days of Hadrat Abu Bakar Sadiq(RATA). Hadrat Muhammad(peace be upon him) said"Do not sell gold for gold except when it is like for like,nor inappropriate one through the other.nor sell silver for silver except like for like,nor misappropriate one through the other,nor sell thing that are absent for those that re present".(Subul-al salam).According to(Al mawardi-d-1058CE) the writer of "Ahkam-i-Sultania" during the days of Hadrat Umar(RATA)the coin of dirham was struck weighing 06 Daniq.and wight of 7 mithqals was equal to the wight of 10 dirhams". Abu Ubayd al-Qasim b.Salam(d224 AH)writes under point1617 of his Kitabal Amwal"In Ummayid period,when it was decided to design a new Dirahams,full consideration was given to their consequences and effects.....They had struck the coin,but it was creating the problems for the collection of Zakah.....So they decided to redesign it between these two(full dirham'and Tabriyya) Dirahms,in such form,which might neither reduce the proceeds of Zakah nor might cause loss to the owners.More over,(they considered that) this design should be in accordance with the Nisab of Zakah during the age of the Prophet(peace be upon him).The people,before this,used to pay Zakah in two parts;separately from big and small Di hams.When the Ummayad rulers decided to form a new dirham,they wighed both the previous ones and found the bigger equal to eight Daniq and the smaller equal to four Daniqs. They designed a medium size dirham;equal to six Daniqs.Then,they weighed it with Mithqal,because it always remained a determined wight. They took such ten Dirhams that one of these was equal to six Daniqs. Then they weighed these (Dirhams)with Mithqal and found them exactly seven Mithqals.Thus,these Dirhams gained three characteristics(i) These(ten Dirhams) became equal to seven(Mithqals)in weight(ii)A balance was established between the bigger Dirhams and smaller one(iii) Complete conformity with the Sunnah of the Prophet(Peace be upon him)without any change.
Afterwards,these wights of Dirham were in practice, and the Muslim community agreed upon it,that is to say fully weighed Dirham is equal to six Daniqs,and if its weight is changed,then it will be said that this Dirham is less or more in weight,So,the people,in the payment of their
zakah are following the same path,which is oriented by the guiding principle of the Prophet hood,they neither exceed it nor deviate from it.Same will be the matters concerning buying and selling and blood-money for those people who keep the silver coins....Even before this(designing
Under point1599 Abu Ubayd said."I looked into Umar's tradition and found that he equalized forty Dirhams to four Dinars,because this was the basic rule of exchange that one Dinar is equal to ten Dirham.
According to the Encyclopedia of Islam there we two monetary systems were prevalent(i)dhahab-Gold(ii)Waraq-Silver. Hadrat Imam Malik(d179AH) firstly had used the terms- Ehal al dhahab-People of gold.and EhalalWaraq- the people of Silver.
Ibn Khaldun writes that-7 Dianars are equal to 10 Dirahms and the weight of Shari'ah Diar is equal to 72 grains of barley, but the other books have different information as Dirham is equal to 70 grains of barley,Mithqal is equal to 100 grains of barley whereas one grain of barley is equal to 3 grains of rice etc.
(See-Fateh al Qadir Vol-1 Page-523,dar Mukhtar,Behar al-Raiq etc--and -Idara Al Ma'arif Karachi Pakistan'sOZAN-I-SHARI'AH Urdu version.
Hitti write with the reference of Islamic Scholars Tabari,Baladhuri and Yaqut that"A number of Gold and silver piece were struck before the time of Abd-al-Malik,but those were imitations of Byzantine and Persian type. Abd-alMalik struck at Damascus,in 695,the first gold Dinar and sidirhams which were purely Arabic.It is said that Hadrat Umar(RATA) struck the Dirham Baghalia in 18AH.
Afterwards,these wights of Dirham were in practice, and the Muslim community agreed upon it,that is to say fully weighed Dirham is equal to six Daniqs,and if its weight is changed,then it will be said that this Dirham is less or more in weight,So,the people,in the payment of their
zakah are following the same path,which is oriented by the guiding principle of the Prophet hood,they neither exceed it nor deviate from it.Same will be the matters concerning buying and selling and blood-money for those people who keep the silver coins....Even before this(designing
Under point1599 Abu Ubayd said."I looked into Umar's tradition and found that he equalized forty Dirhams to four Dinars,because this was the basic rule of exchange that one Dinar is equal to ten Dirham.
According to the Encyclopedia of Islam there we two monetary systems were prevalent(i)dhahab-Gold(ii)Waraq-Silver. Hadrat Imam Malik(d179AH) firstly had used the terms- Ehal al dhahab-People of gold.and EhalalWaraq- the people of Silver.
Ibn Khaldun writes that-7 Dianars are equal to 10 Dirahms and the weight of Shari'ah Diar is equal to 72 grains of barley, but the other books have different information as Dirham is equal to 70 grains of barley,Mithqal is equal to 100 grains of barley whereas one grain of barley is equal to 3 grains of rice etc.
(See-Fateh al Qadir Vol-1 Page-523,dar Mukhtar,Behar al-Raiq etc--and -Idara Al Ma'arif Karachi Pakistan'sOZAN-I-SHARI'AH Urdu version.
Hitti write with the reference of Islamic Scholars Tabari,Baladhuri and Yaqut that"A number of Gold and silver piece were struck before the time of Abd-al-Malik,but those were imitations of Byzantine and Persian type. Abd-alMalik struck at Damascus,in 695,the first gold Dinar and sidirhams which were purely Arabic.It is said that Hadrat Umar(RATA) struck the Dirham Baghalia in 18AH.
It is concluded from the above information and traditions that the Islamic monetary system is based on Gold and Silver and money like these.
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